Initial assessment
Once you've booked an initial assessment, you will receive a short form to complete before you come.
This is where change begins! During these 60 mins we'll go through your story, complete a thorough assessment including understanding your specific movement patterns.
We'll also start treatment as appropriate.
I will follow up with an email with key take aways and so you don't forget your homework (self activation and simple exercises to help you integrate).
Follow up appointments
60 min or 45 min
For existing patients.
Drop me a line if you're not sure whether a longer or shorter appointment is best for you.
I run ad hoc Be Activated and Yoga workshops at the Soul Spa and other locations.
I'm starting a new workshop series at Yoga Bodhi in 2025 - a fusion of self activation, simple yoga and free movement. You can find out more and book the 18th January Hips and Glutes Workshop on the Yoga Bodhi website here
I work at Soul Spa in Bath city centre near Bath College, 2 Hetling Court, Bath BA1 1SH